Toasters aren’t waterproof, and other inspiring revelations


I was the little kid that took the toaster apart to figure out how it was assembled, I was the teenager that wanted to know the magician's secrets and I'm now the adult that is never afraid of trying something new and still is enthralled by how things work. I’ve turned my sense of curiosity and passion for creation into a career. The idea of pushing boundaries and helping others create work that is both beautiful and meaningful fuels me every day.

I am inspired by the creative people I know. They are always exploring new ways to express themselves and I admire the courage and boldness of their ideas, as well as their willingness to take risks in pursuit of something greater than themselves. They have taught me that it’s OK to step outside of my comfort zone, embrace failure, and keep striving for something better. Their enthusiasm and drive remind me that a creative life is worth living and dreaming of. They are my source of inspiration and I’m grateful to have them in my life. I started my company Agency Custom to create through them and to supply a platform for others like us to dream and build what they envision.

I help people bring their creative visions to life through custom design and fabrication solutions. I believe that the best experiences come from collaborative and creative partnerships, so I focus on building relationships with my clients to better understand their needs and create work that resonates with them... I want my clients to feel empowered and inspired when they work with me – to discover or re-discover their inner artists, take risks, and create something extraordinary. I believe that creativity should never be contained or limited; it should always be celebrated and championed. I built Agency Custom to help make that happen.

I believe in the power of design and its capacity to move people and connect them. I am passionate about creating visually stunning custom creations that are unique and evoke emotion. My goal is to help make something that transports people to a different place, or even just simply brings them joy. Every project I take on is an opportunity for me to help designers express their creativity and create something special for someone else.

The power of imagination and its potential for transformation is my driving force. I am excited to help bring stories, ideas, and visions to life in remarkable ways. My aim is to inspire others to create something unique, meaningful, and beautiful that captures their spirit of creativity. We all have it in us to create something extraordinary that sparks joy and inspires others.

Inspiration is what drives us to create something remarkable. It can come from anywhere – a vision, an experience, another person's work, or a toaster. Whatever your source of inspiration, it can be the spark that ignites your creativity and sets you on the path to something beautiful that has the power to move people.


A feast for the senses: Chef David Jackman